“How can a space so small save humanity? Er… it can’t.”

In January 2021, Mr Lim got cancer. After rounds of chemotherapies and other hospital stuff, Mr Lim decided to take things easy. Life as a corporate rat was lucrative but possibly carcinogenic. He started this gallery thingy, at the far end of Orchard Road, sized no bigger than a 7-11. But unlike a 7-11, this shop is often closed. You would need an appointment to visit. He will put some pieces up on display and changes them as and when. Most will be from his private stash. There, you can chats with Mr Lim or view quietly. All good. Art lovers, art noobs, bored Orchard Road wanderers. All welcome. You can buy the pieces if you like. Thing is, Mr Lim didn’t start this gallery to clear his collection. He wanted to “humidify” the dry and stiff, Singapore art scene. He wanted to promote interesting artists that could well be the world’s next art stars. So, hopefully, in months to come, there will be less stuff from Mr Lim’s collection to sell, and more hot-art-star-stuff to see. That’s the plan. Some chats to be had. Some eyes opened. Some business transactions to be made. No humanity to be saved (at least not right now).

Book your appointment today.