FOOLS 2023
A group show of artistic and foolish works.

The “wall text”
There are many ways to extract intentions, beauty and truths from works.
Before anything, best to examine, neither the process nor the product, impressive or absurd as they may be. Seek for the heart.

As you may know, the source of all art, is a force, unknowable and often unreasonable,
that has to be exerted, by the chosen few.

(Or the few that dared to choose).
It can be frustrating and confounding to the artist and the viewer.
“FOOLS! FOOLS! FOOLS!” We will all shout.
There are no fast, nor slow ways to decode the art.
There is only the immediate way.
See with your foolish heart, wide open.
22 July to 6 August, 8 Haji Lane #02-01
VIP PREVIEW: 21 July 2023